The Drill takes a zero tolerance approach to drugs and the misuse of alcohol, and abides by the following policy.
1. Purpose and Scope
This policy relates to the use of illegal drugs and misuse of alcohol or other harmful substances on The Drill* premises.
Its purpose is to:
• Comply with the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 by ensuring that The Drill does not knowingly permit use or supply of controlled drugs on its premises.
• Minimise drug use at events.
• Prevent drug dealing on The Drill premises.
• Safeguard visitors who have used drugs or misused other substances.
• Provide a safe working environment for staff and visitors in line with Lincoln College Group’s Drugs and Alcohol Policy (written copies available on request).
2. Policy Statement
The Drill:
• Will not condone the possession, use or supply of illegal drugs, nor the misuse of alcohol or other substances, on its premises.
• Will promote supportive and caring harm minimisation strategies which reduce the risks associated with drug use/misuse.
• Will provide a safe, healthy and supportive environment for staff and visitors.
• Will promote knowledge, awareness and understanding to enable visitors to make informed choices.
3. Policy in Relation to Staff
All permanent and casual staff working at The Drill events will receive training on this policy as part of their induction process. Written procedures will be available to assist in implementing the policy. Awareness will be maintained by refresher training at least every 18 months or when changes are introduced following new legislation.
4. Policy in Relation to the Public
The Drill’s responsibilities are to:
• Provide information, and develop awareness relating to drug prevention and harm minimisation.
• Liaise as appropriate with other organisations.
The policy will be communicated to visitors by:
• Posting a copy on The Drill website.
• Raising awareness of the policy at entrance to The Drill and, when appropriate elsewhere on the premises.
5. Preventing Drug Use at The Drill
In order to prevent drugs being brought onto the premises, it will be a condition of entry to The Drill events that visitors acknowledge The Drill’s right to conduct searches prior to entry. Searches will be undertaken in a polite and respectful manner by SIA trained members of staff. There will be at least two members of staff present. Where this is refused, the customer will not be allowed entry to the venue.
6. Preventing Drug Dealing on The Drill Premises
All staff working at events will be vigilant in monitoring activity. Security staff will regularly monitor key areas within the premises for suspicious activity.
Where The Drill’s staff suspect dealing may be taking place, visitors will be asked to undergo a search. This will be conducted in the presence of another member of staff in a discreet area following the procedures outlined above. Anyone refusing to be searched will be asked to leave the premises.
7. Finding Drugs
The venue has a zero-tolerance approach to drugs. If a visitor is found in possession of illegal drugs regardless of the amount involved, the police will be called using the 999 system and the person found in possession of the drugs held under citizen arrest.
If a customer is found in possession of what is believed to be nitrous oxide, the following will apply:
Whilst not an offence, if the customer is in possession of a small quantity (i.e. what could be deemed for personal use) then it will be a condition of entry that the item is confiscated. If confiscation is refused, then entry will be denied.
If in possession of a larger quantity, suspected to be for distribution, then the items will be confiscated, and an incident form completed. Details of the incident, as well as the confiscated items, will be passed to the police.
If staff or visitors find suspected illegal drugs on the premises, the drugs will be removed to the drugs safe, having first been bagged and labelled. Any drugs found, together with details (day/time etc), will at an appropriate time be passed to the police.
If a large amount of suspected illegal drugs is discovered or staff have grounds for suspecting dealing may be taking place at The Drill, the police will be called immediately.
8. Sanctions
Any visitor found to be in possession of illegal drugs will be subject to an immediate ban from The Drill premises. The length of the ban will be in proportion to the incident but would normally be for a minimum of 12 months. Decisions to ban visitors will be taken by the DPS after considering all the information available.
9. Keeping Visitors Safe
The Drill will have the following activities in place to keep visitors safe and minimise harm related to drug use:
• Drinking water will be offered free of charge at all events
• Staff will be vigilant in identifying anyone who is suffering from the effects of consuming an excessive amount of alcohol or from suspected drug use. In these circumstances, The Drill staff will reserve the right to refuse further alcohol. Where staff believe a visitor’s well-being is at risk, that visitor will be monitored and if necessary, arrangements made either for their safe return home or for appropriate medical treatment.
• Sufficiently trained staff will be present at all events. In an emergency staff will call an ambulance. In all such circumstances an incident report form will be completed.
• At large events The Drill will contract professional First Aid cover.
10. Record Keeping/Notification
Incident forms will be kept on file and details of any incidents will be made available to the police After the event, where information is requested by Lincoln College Groups, The Drill will provide statistics concerning the number and nature of incidents relating to drug use by visitors but will not notify details of individual cases.
11. Feedback and Complaints
Any feedback or complaints regarding the policy or its implementation will be pursued through the The Drill’s complaints procedures.
12. Monitoring and Review
This policy will be a dynamic document which is reviewed bi-annually and in the light of new developments in drug use and H&S legislation.
*The Drill, Lincoln Drill Hall, Fee School Lane, Lincoln LN2 1EY is owned and operated by Lincoln College Group, Monks Road, Lincoln LN2 5HQ